Just joigned the forum to learn as much as I can about mototrcycle suspension tuning... and hopefully someday contribute as well.
Though I've been into automotive suspension tuning for the past 15 years, bikes are totally new to me. I just successfully passed my motorcycle drivier's license here in southern France, one of the most difficult exams afaik. Slow-speed (idle) slalom with passenger, high-speed slalom with downshifting, emergency lane-changing and emergency braking, etc make up this diificult test. I'm putting the knowledge to use, and slowly gaining experience, on a 2008 Kawa Z1000. I've ridden 1,000 miles in the last six days (well, nights mostly, as I work all throughout the day).
Anyways, long story short: new to bikes, totally loving it, and looking forward to learning and sharing with others.