was over at clubracer.net and was reading up on suspension and saw a link to here.
name is chris, ride a 03 cbr600rr that i am in the process of converting to track only duty. currently have 05 front end conversion with 1.0 springs, new valves etc (GMD Computrack did the work), have a Elka triple clicker rear shock on order, GPR V4 steering damper on order and need to get some race tires (currently has dunlop qualifiers that i have used at trackdays in the past), most likely bt-002's.
by trade i am a car mechanic so working on my own stuff is not scary, but i know zilch regarding suspension setup, other than adjusting compression and rebound settings a bit so things feel more balanced. my question is do i go back to GMD with the bike assembled and have them set up sag and such or is it something i can do myself in a few hours?